
Guided Contemplative Prayer


Find a comfortable position, sitting or lying down. Uncross your arms and your legs. If sitting, place both of your feet on the floor. Shift your weight slightly, so that your weight is evenly distributed between both sides of your body and between the front and back of your feet. Allow your neck to release and imagine your head floating up like a balloon on the top of your spine. Allow your shoulders to release to the side, and imagine your heart opening.  Take a moment to notice your breath, and the movement of your breath inside your body… (pause) With your next breath, take a deep breath in… then exhale, slowly. Again, inhale, letting your belly rise… exhale, letting all the air out. One more time, inhale through your nose, deep breath… you might even hold it for a second… then exhale slowly, all the way down…

As you continue breathing, when you inhale, mentally say the word “peace”… and as you exhale, mentally say the words, “be still”… Inhale, peace…. exhale, be still. One again, inhale, peace…. exhale, be still.

Feel the contact between your body and the chair or bed where you are sitting or lying… As you relax down into your chair or surface, allow that surface to completely support the weight of your body… there’s no need to hold yourself up… you can allow your body to relax…

Now imagine there’s an opening in the sky above you where a beautiful ray of healing light is shining through. The light is expanding to form a large circle around you… as you notice with wonder the beauty of this light, you realize that the light is emanating from the highest good… you might say that light is coming from God, or from the source of all goodness, creativity and peace…

As you breathe in, imagine this light coming down into the top of your head and relaxing any tension in your scalp… relaxing  your forehead… … your eyes… relaxing your jaw. The light is filling all of your head… travelling down to your throat… the back of your neck. Feel the light expanding down to your shoulders, releasing any tension there… relaxing your chest muscles…  As you continue to breathe slowly, the light relaxes your lungs… Now it’s floating down to your back…. touching every muscle there… The light is expanding to your arms, travelling down to your hands… Your whole upper torso is filled with this healing light. The light is now floating down to your stomach, relaxing any tension there… It is reaching down to your pelvis and hips… you are fully supported by this light… This wonderful light is now reaching down each leg… relaxing the muscles in your thighs… relaxing your knees… your calf muscles… travelling down to your feet… relaxing your heels… the arch of your feet… and your toes.

Every cell in your body is being filled with the healing light of God or Love…  You are soaking in this light…. It is all around you… You feel peaceful… safe… you directly connected with God.

Now bring to mind the person you want to lift up in prayer. Imagine their face… see them they are right now. Notice if they might be experiencing pain or discomfort in any part of his/her body. Look into their face and notice if they are showing signs of fear… or sadness… anguish… despair… anger… guilt… or shame… or if they are happy… or content.

Imagine this bright, healing ball of light encircling them… seeping down into the top of their head… travelling down their body… involving every part of their body and spirit. The light is melting away every distress… any disturbance. Imagine they are soaking in this light… shining brightly in their face. Look into their face now and see that they are at peace… their facial expressions are completely relaxed. They are at peace with God… at peace with themselves… at peace with everyone and everything around them. They are pleased with their life… with who they are and with where they are… Hold this image for a few seconds.

Whenever you are ready, bring your awareness back to the room and to your own body, and conclude your prayer.

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